RACE Approved for 10CE Units
Learn Animal Technical Rescue Skills (ATR) to free large & small animals from entrapment, entanglement and recumbency.
• Learn how to work in concert with emergency responders to resolve complex rescues.
• Gain knowledge of concepts, techniques, & equipment through lecture & hands-on experience with horse & dog manikins.
Pre-Req: ICS-100 FEMA Online course Free
FEE: $175 - Lunch included
October 14
0900 hrs - 1700 hrs
A204, DCP Building Midwestern University 5725 W. Utopia Glendale, AZ
tlar@largeanimalrescue.com to sign up or additional information
Taught by a seasoned team of veterinarians and retired fire fighters:
Audrey Adams, AS-Equine Science, SME
David Byerly, DVM, Fire Engineer Retired, AZ Fire Instr., LAR SME
Nancy Bradley, DVM, DABVP-SMP, Clinical Assoc. Prof. Midwestern University, ATR SME
John Fox, Fire Chief, Retired, Assist. Adjunct Clinical Prof. Midwestern University, AZ Fire Instr. LAR SME
Debra Fox, FF2/EMT Retired. Assist. Adjunct Clinical Prof. Midwestern University, AZ Fire Instr. LAR SME
Pre-Req: ICS-100 FEMA Online course Free